Magazine (final project) planning questions- Topography
What mood, tone, or attitude is suggested by the shape, size, and arrangement of the letters?
The mood and tone of the magazine cover is excitement and happy, it represents how a concert is coming and everyone should be excited because it is going to be “lit.” The size announcement is the whole page and the colors aren’t so vibrant but this will still make the reader want to read it since it is the first page, having it be the first page and letters big grasp the readers attention and make them want to read it. The size, color, and shape of the magazine helps with the attention grabbing of your audience. Having the word, "concert" in really big letters and in white which is the opposite color or the actual picture so it stands out for the people to read. Also making the picture the first thing that people see creates a mood of curiosity so the person will look at the magazine and wonder what is up with the man and see that it is his concert coming up.
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